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How to Boost Self-Confidence in an Interview

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I’ve been consulting candidates for almost 3 years, and one concern always pops up: how to boost self-confidence during the interview. 

No matter how prepared we are, we get nervous and end up giving not-so-well and up-to-the-mark answers, missing the opportunity.

Is there anything that will help us boost our confidence? This is a question almost every other candidate asks me. And I understand this. 

From teachers asking you to come in front of the class to speak or going on stage, confidence always takes a toll.

But have you noticed, that while some complain about how underconfident they are, some don’t even say no a single time to such opportunities; in fact, they enjoy this. 

What makes them different? 

Is it something only a few can do? Let’s understand this in detail, and by the end of the blog, you’ll know how to present yourself as a confident candidate in the interview and make a good mark.

Let’s dive in.

Why Self-confidence is an Important Factor in an Interview

Before we talk about how to be confident in an interview, let’s first understand what will happen if you seem underconfident.

First, you should know that even if you don’t feel confident or look nervous, that is not a big deal. Interviewers understand this and will not judge you on this basis.

Whether you’ll get the job solely depends on how confident your answers are; it’s just a factor, there is so much more that makes you an ideal candidate.

For example:

  • How you talk
  • Your skills
  • How you’ll help the company
  • Your relevant experience
  • Interpersonal skills


All these factors make you an ideal candidate.

So, it’s fine if you feel underconfident.

However, imagine you talking about your experience, and skills, and answering all the questions with a nervous face, shivering hands, and a fumbling voice.

You see?

Even if you know everything, there is something that will hold you back, and that is confidence.

Here’s how you’ll build confidence before you appear for the interview.

Use these 3 simple and proven ways to stay calm and confident.

Deep breathing

Research shows that deep breathing improves the oxygen flow in our mind, which helps calm our nervous system.

This could be the best practice you can do before going for the interview. Take a few moments and do a breathing exercise before you enter the room or between the interviews.

This will help you stay calm in that stressful situation, and once you feel calm, that will appear in your face and body posture.


Let’s do a practical.

Find a silent place, sit with a straight back and shoulders, listen to something soothing, close your eyes, and think about a scenario that you want to feel in reality.

Visualize how well-prepared you are, you are all dressed up and present before time.

The interviewer is about to call you, and you have zero stress. Instead, you are energetic and so excited that finally, this is going to happen.

You went to the room, introduced yourself confidently, and answered all the questions confidently.

When leaving, interviewees looked at each other as they found the perfect candidate.

Just imagine this scenario.

While it’s not any magic that thinking and visualizing will get you the job, THIS WILL HELP.

This will help in creating a positive mindset, a good vibe, and a confident mindset. Do this practice for a few days especially before you leave your home for the interview.

This works wonders.

Remember, if you can think you can do this, you can do it in reality.

Positive affirmations

Just like your thoughts, your words also create your reality.

Tell someone how beautiful he/she is, and just look at the smile, the confidence they’ll get. Tell someone how proud you feel when they do their work, and look how beautifully they’ll do the work.

This is the magic of your words.

Now imagine when you tell yourself how confident and worthy you are to work in your dream company or how happy interviewers will be to have such a great candidate. You don’t need anyone to tell you; say this to yourself. Believe that you are worthy of everything and as much you want to work in that company, that company needs you.

Do this practice daily, train your subconscious mind, and see how confident you’ll be when you go for the interview.

These are no magic but a great tool to train your mind and build confidence.

These are the 3 best strategies that will help you build confidence and ace your interview.

But there is more. These techniques are powerful but not without good preparation.

So, make sure to follow these points:

  • Research the company Researching will help you understand what exactly the company is looking for and how you can help them. This will also help you tailor your answers.
  • Not just the company, but before applying, thoroughly go through the job description and tailor your resume/CV accordingly.
  • Mock interview Practice with your mentor, family member, friend, or just in front of the mirror. Keep repeating the questions and answers. Treat the mock interview like a real interview. How you’ll enter, how you’ll look, etc. Right preparation with a mock interview can help you boost your confidence 100% more for the interview.

Wrapping Up…

These were some of the best strategies and techniques to boost your confidence for the interview.

Remember building confidence is not a one-day task; it needs consistent effort.


The best way to build confidence for the interviews are:

– Researching

– Mock interviews

– Practice deep breathing

– Use visualization

– Repeat positive affirmations

Do this, and you are all set to become confident in your interview.

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